
Our riches

Rose Damascene
The oil-bearing rose is a blessed plant, thanks to which Bulgaria reaches world fame as a producer of rose oil. On the world market it is defined as the highest quality.
Oil rose products are highly valued in the perfume, cosmetics, soap and food industries. They are also a suitable raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Antibacterial and antimicrobial activity of rose extract is established.
Picking pink is a difficult process that is done by hand. In order to preserve the exceptional qualities of the color, picking takes place early in the morning, when the rose is dewy and the sun has not risen. The already harvested flower is transported to the distillery, where the process of oil extraction begins - the rose flower is boiled by steam distillation and the rose oil is extracted through a special cohobation column. Production and process require hard work, knowledge and professionalism.

Lavender was considered a magic plant and has been associated with man since his first conscious steps. In the archives revealing the wonders of the world, we find that for the ancient Egyptians, lavender occupied an exceptional place in cultural and religious life.
For our country lavender is one of the main essential oil-bearing plants. The main purpose is the production of lavender oil.
The resulting products serve as raw materials for the perfume, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, paints and ceramics industries. Dried inflorescences are also used as an herb in aromatherapy.